Documentary Short Film - 2022
Directed by Brad Allgood and Steve Dorst
Cinematography: Brad Allgood + Steve Dorst + Dani & Rudy Izzie
Produced by Angie Gentile + Andy Arias + Dani Izzie
DANI’S TWINS, a short documentary, captures the pregnancy and early parenting journey of Daniela Izzie, one of the few quadriplegics ever to give birth to twins. While a source of great joy, Dani’s twin pregnancy is highly unusual and susceptible to an array of risks, ranging from blood pressure spikes that could lead to a stroke to the almost-certain likelihood of preterm labor. When Covid-19 strikes, it raises the stakes for an already complicated pregnancy. DANI’S TWINS chronicles how she and husband Rudy strive to overcome the physical risks and the biases that parents with disabilities face.
World Premiere: Mountainfilm 2022
Official Website: www. danistwinsfilm.com